Saved in
25 servers, all dead. Can cloud come to my rescue and save the training course?
Even after sleeping most of the 21 hour flight to Sydney I was still exhausted. It was my Birthday, so at least I had the Sunday to relax before another week of intensive training for our channel partners - right?
With an irreparable RAID controller failure back in Farnborough and IT not able to help, our 25 virtual machines were dead and not coming back.
Cloud to the rescue! Within hours we'd stood up 20 fresh machines, all configured ready for training the next morning.
Not how I'd imagined spending my Birthday, but a success nonetheless! Thanks

The 3
little pigs
Do you find keynotes all blending into one? When I took to the Innovation stage at TINtech 2019 I had no slides, just a massive fireplace (just like on Netflix), then captured the audience with the story of the 3 little data and analytics pigs.
Guesswork, Spreadsheets vs proper date warehouses - a memorable and informative fireside chat.
Let's sit down together sometime and I'll tell you all about it.

The 'Puente de la Mujer' bridge in Buenos Aires takes workers from the city across to the Puerto Madero commercial district. Work only starts when breakfast is finished, and lunch will take at least 2 hours - but the steaks and Malbec are world-class.
In Japan, validating peoples understanding works best when talking to their boss, and in Mumbai the normal office environment may still be in construction but drive and motivation is built better than many I've experienced.
People are different, and the way they work is different - so understanding and engaging people all over the world with different cultures, systems, software and methodologies is incredibly important.